I received an email with a video of Michael Jackson's ghost on it from a friend. Here's the video. Make sure to turn on the volume if you want to hear Larry King comment on it.
Here are the videos of Brynley, Sadie and Diesel watching the video.
Jul 31, 2009
Jul 5, 2009
"I Love To See The Temple"
This is Sadie's favorite song. She sang it to the missionaries today at dinner, so we decided to get her singing it on video before she gets too much older. (She is 3 1/2) Enjoy.
Jul 4, 2009
Mission Beach
Casey Ann's parents rented a beach house at Mission Beach in San Diego, near Balboa Park this summer. So we made the 19 hour drive to San Diego to hang with her family for a week. Very long drive, but... we had lots of fun. I think we were about 5 houses from the boardwalk. There was also a roof-top terrace that you could see the bay on one side and the beach and the other side. The weather was great and kids had a hay-day with all there cousins. Thanks grandma and grandpa!!
Brynley digging in the sand
Posing at sunset.
Sadie with her "wind blown" hair.
"Big Kahuna" (Diesel)
Having the time of his life.
Not quite tall enough for the roller coaster at Balboa Park.
Logan, Grandpa Rick, Sadie and Kennedy.
This is the Wave House, where they have two man-made wave machines where surfers can get their surf on and let everyone check out their skills. This was really fun to watch.
Getty up cowboy.
She wasn't very happy to ride the carousel (yeah right).
Chillin' in the beach house.
Grandma and Grandpa relaxing. Grandpa doesn't do that very much.
Hasting and Peyton.
Grandma Jackie and Diesel.
Father and Sons
I invited Eric and his boys our ward's father and son's camp out. We had fun playing cowboy and making turkey dutch oven. It was very good, by the way. Eric also made peach cobbler with vanilla ice cream, which the bishopric promptly disposed of. Diesel had a blast playing in the dirt while trying to figure what fire was and how close he could get to it.

Field Day
Well... it's time for an update on the Macks. Since my finals in May and our trip to San Diego in June and summer school starting, time has flown by for us. So, I'll quit being a slacker (for just a little while) and get some things posted on here.
Also, we haven't really told anyone, but through much prayer and thought, we are going to pursue our backup plan to dental school instead of applying again this summer. The uncertainty and unknown of waiting for the dental school process to run it's course has helped us choose plan B. We are very excited, especially Casey Ann. She has definitely been overwhelmed at times during the last year or so thinking about the application process again(me too).
So... after reviewing our options and talking to those around us, we have decided to pursue a great opportunity and purchase a 7 Eleven franchise in Pima, AZ. We close on the loan and business contract on the 27th of July. We break ground on Auguest 3rd, 2009. We are very excited to be going back to the Gila Valley. We will be opening the new 7 Eleven about a 1/4 mile northwest of the new Gila Valley Temple on the Highway. We will be moving back in a couple of weeks! Kinda fast, but we're very excited.
I must say, if you've made it to this part, you've done pretty good (by not calling us by now). I know it's not April, but I couldn't resist the opportunity to punk some of you. Actually... we are pursuing a different course in the medical field. The majority of the prerequisite classes I've taken for dental school will also help in becoming a nurse anesthetist. We apply next month for the accelerated BSN program here in Denver, which takes 12 mos to complete. The ratio of applicants who get accepted is vastly better than getting into dental school and the timing will be about the same as completing dental school. This is very appealing to us at this point. Then we'll look to work as a RN for a little bit (about a year), then apply to nurse anesthetist school. Anyway, we have several reasons (pros) to pursue our plan B that I won't go into, but we're very excited and eager to apply. Unlike dental school, we'll find out in about 6-8 weeks after I apply (in Sep.) vs wait up to 10-12 mos for an answer (very appealing also).
Well, there you have it. I'm going to try put up some more pictures of what has been keeping us busy the last couple of months.
Happy 4th to you all!
Also, we haven't really told anyone, but through much prayer and thought, we are going to pursue our backup plan to dental school instead of applying again this summer. The uncertainty and unknown of waiting for the dental school process to run it's course has helped us choose plan B. We are very excited, especially Casey Ann. She has definitely been overwhelmed at times during the last year or so thinking about the application process again(me too).
So... after reviewing our options and talking to those around us, we have decided to pursue a great opportunity and purchase a 7 Eleven franchise in Pima, AZ. We close on the loan and business contract on the 27th of July. We break ground on Auguest 3rd, 2009. We are very excited to be going back to the Gila Valley. We will be opening the new 7 Eleven about a 1/4 mile northwest of the new Gila Valley Temple on the Highway. We will be moving back in a couple of weeks! Kinda fast, but we're very excited.
I must say, if you've made it to this part, you've done pretty good (by not calling us by now). I know it's not April, but I couldn't resist the opportunity to punk some of you. Actually... we are pursuing a different course in the medical field. The majority of the prerequisite classes I've taken for dental school will also help in becoming a nurse anesthetist. We apply next month for the accelerated BSN program here in Denver, which takes 12 mos to complete. The ratio of applicants who get accepted is vastly better than getting into dental school and the timing will be about the same as completing dental school. This is very appealing to us at this point. Then we'll look to work as a RN for a little bit (about a year), then apply to nurse anesthetist school. Anyway, we have several reasons (pros) to pursue our plan B that I won't go into, but we're very excited and eager to apply. Unlike dental school, we'll find out in about 6-8 weeks after I apply (in Sep.) vs wait up to 10-12 mos for an answer (very appealing also).
Well, there you have it. I'm going to try put up some more pictures of what has been keeping us busy the last couple of months.
Happy 4th to you all!
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